

February 08, 2008


So, I have friends!  okay, I know I’ve always had friends but I finally have a small group of friends here in Philly that I actually hang out with on the weekends.  It has made an incredible difference on a week to week basis.  My days at school are still difficult (as far as the people I am in class with) but at least I have some fun on the weekends and a few people who email and call to chat every once in a while during the week.  What a huge praise!  
Anyway, last weekend we watched the superbowl at the church.  While I really didn’t care about either team, I decided to root for the Giants, since they seemed to be the lesser of the two evils and I had to root for someone (hard choice when neither the Steelers nor the Panthers are in the mix).  Here are a few pictures from the game!

  We each had nicknames...some better than others!

Al, doing his “grease lightening” look

I knew my elementary school cheerleading skills would come in handy at some point!