So I got a call this afternoon from my father. I can always tell when there is something wrong. It only takes about one word and I can tell in his voice. So the conversation went something like this.
Me: Hello?!?
Dad: Hey
Me: Something's wrong isn't it?
Dad: Well, yea, but don't worry, everyone is fine.
He proceeded to tell me that around 3:30 this morning their garage caught on fire. Fortunately my parents live in the city in a Rowe house which means that the garage is NOT attached to the main house. There was absolutely NO damage to the main house. Unfortunately, just like all of the houses are attached on the side walls, all of the garages are also attached. My parents garage burnt completely, taking with it one of the cars. My dad tried to describe it as looking like one of those pictures you see from Iraq where a car bomb went off. My step sister sent me a picture later today and his description is quite right. There was also some damage to one of the next door neighbors garage and a garage across the back alley.
Praise the Lord that no one was hurt. Rowe houses are right up next to each other and there isn't much space in the back alley between one back yard and another. A fire as big as this one could have very easily spread to homes but it didn't!!!!!
My parents bought the house about 6 years ago and gutted and rebuilt it. The only part of the property that hasn't had ANY work was the garage. So thankfully NO new construction was damaged. But in the coming weeks they will be dealing with an investigation to figure out how the fire started, insurance hassels, and eventually rebuilding.
Please pray for them during this trying time.