

April 19, 2009


I spent most of last week in Philadelphia.  It was my EOR week (End Of Rotation) which entailed a 7 hour drive up Tuesday, a solid day of studying and preparing on Wednesday, exam and lectures on Thursday, a presentation and lectures on Friday, and then an 8 hour drive home Friday night (for some reason the drive home ALWAYS takes longer).
I always look forward to the weekend after an EOR week.  I get to come back to NC and spend an entire weekend NOT doing school work.  I always give myself those two days to forget about school work, stay out late, watch as much TV as I want, etc.  And I usually have a really great time doing it.  It's such a break and a load off and I finally feel like I can breath again, for at least a few days.
For some reason this weekend has been a really difficult one for me though.  On Saturday morning I helped my friend Jay move (I think this was the 800th time I've helped him move but he always helps me so we're even), then I went walking at the lake with my friend Terri and then out to dinner at Dos Taquitos with a few friends for some good Mexican chow and some tasty Margaritas.  All in all it was a pretty good day but I just felt really tense the whole time.   On Sunday I went to church, Sunday School, came home and rested a bit before going to play Ultimate, back to church for evening service, to the grocery store and then home for the night.  Again, not a bad day but I've felt really tense frustrated all day.  
This morning George preached on James 2 and about growing through trials and relying on God.  I can't help but feel like God is trying to grow me through some personal trials.  I'm just not sure yet what that growth is going to be about. 
Prayers for a better attitude and patience and dedication over the next 4 months till the end of school is much appreciated!

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