

May 11, 2011


Earlier in the year I got to hear 3 of the sweetest boys stand up at our missions festival and talk about how they were raising support for a Christian school in Malaysia and an orphanage in Cambodia. Last summer they had set out to run 100 miles and through that goal they were able to raise over $2000!
This summer they have asked others to join them and have added another missionary to the list of who they are supporting. Go check out their blog at RunWithMe!
I've been able to get to know their parents a bit through my sunday school class at church and this family is pretty amazing! They spent 5 years over in Malaysia and now they are back stateside!
I'm excited, and a bit nervous, to join in the adventure this summer! If you would like to support me just send me an email to let me know. I'm asking for $0.10/mile ($10 for the entire 100 miles) or whatever you are able to give!
I'm also asking for prayers and encouragement. HA!

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