

May 22, 2011


I was off my routine last week because I was at camp for work (see previous post) but I DID pack my running gear for the weekend in hopes of getting in at least 1 good run.

Well, I did exactly that....1 good run. It was tough fitting in a run into such a crazy weekend but one of my co-workers and I decided to take some time on Friday morning to get out there.

It was fun to have someone to run with, and a new place to run as well. We ran on the road just outside of camp which is this long winding, basically flat road that goes by farms and fields and beautiful EVERYWHERE.

Because we didn't get to start as early as I'd hoped, it was already pretty hot and I didn't know how far to run so I just decided to go until I felt like I was going to die and that would probably be about the right distance.

Well, we ran for a while, and I definitely felt like dying. Later on I was able to clock it with my car and I ended up running 1.8 miles! Go me!

I spent the rest of the day with a horrible migraine. I'm may have to rethink the outdoor running in the heat thing. Just glad I was able to push myself further than I thought. Honestly, if i'd known how far I'd gone, I probably would have stopped running a lot sooner!

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